The Constellation Directory


"The Compass"


By IAU and Sky & Telescope magazine (Roger Sinnott & Rick Fienberg) [CC-BY-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Abbreviation: Pyx
Genitive: Pyxidis
Constellation family: Heavenly Waters
Nearest constellations: Antlia, Hydra, Puppis, and Vela
Right ascension: 8.93h
Declination: -31.03°
Visible between latitudes: +50° and -90°
Square degrees: 221
Luminary: Alpha Pyxidis
Notable deep sky objects: NGC 2613, NGC 2818


Argo Navis by Johannes Hevelius

By Johannes Hevelius [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Pyxis is a small constellation in the Southern Hemisphere. It is best seen during March.


Pyxis used to be long to a significantly larger constellation called Argo Navis. In Greek mythology, Argo Navis represented the ship Jason and the Argonauts used when on their mission to retrieve the Golden Fleece, which is often associated with the constellation Aries.

Argo Navis was split into four constellations (Pyxis, Carina, Puppis, and Vela) by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) when the organization defined the official 88 constellations. Each of the four is named after a different section of the ship.